This is a shared demo environment.

RetroPGF 3 results in numbers

For detailed data, check out the repo for the results calculation logic, or dive into the results data directly in a spreadsheet.
How many ballots did projects appear in?
RetroPGF 3 results 2
Distribution of OP allocation for top 30 projects
RetroPGF 3 results 3
Individual vs projects comparison
RetroPGF 3 results 4
Total OP allocated to each category
RetroPGF 3 results 5
Funding for projects in each category
RetroPGF 3 results 9
Collective Governance OP distribution
RetroPGF 3 results 6
Developer Ecosystem OP distribution
RetroPGF 3 results 7
End UX and adoption OP distribution
RetroPGF 3 results 8
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